Friday, 12 August 2011

Here fishy fishy...

Green Cous Cous and Crispy Mackerel - a 20minute supper!

I am a fan of Mackerel, in fact I would go so far as to say that I love fish more than any other food stuff, but I am a relative newcomer to the world of Mackerel and I am jolly glad I took my friend Nadia’s advice and got stuck in. I go crazy when I hear people say they don’t like a particular fish because it is “too fishy”! ITS A FISH!  

Although great in many forms (smoked mackerel salad is delicious) this recipe calls for fresh Mackerel ask your fishmonger to fillet it for you. I know some supermarkets sell the fillets ready prepared but it is even cheaper (and dare I say fresher) to get it from the counter.

The Mackerel is oven baked to crisp up the skin and the cous cous is full of zing to balance the oily fish.  I have adapted/ adopted the cous cous recipe from the fabulous Otto Lenghi cookbook. For anyone who has ever despaired at how to make an interesting salad or side look no further!

So lets get started this recipe serves two hungry folk!

2 Whole Mackerel, Filleted (ask Mr Fishmonger to chop heads off if they scare you)
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
1.5 cups of plain, uncooked Cous Cous (not the stuff in a packet already flavoured!)
A handful of Fresh Parsley
3 limes
 A handful of Fresh Coriander
1 cup of Soya Beans (Birdseye do these in their frozen section)
1 pack of Spring onions

Cous Cous first as you want it to cool
Pour your Cous Cous into a bowl, pour over enough boiling water so that there is about 1-2cms above, add a dash of olive oil and some seasoning, stir and cover.  Right that's that bit done.
Now lay your mackerel fillets on a wire rack (pop your oven on to 180degrees C) and rub them with olive oil and sea salt key phrase here “get involved”
Pop your mackerel into the oven for 15-20mins
Now back to your cous cous. In a blender or with a hand blender whizz up chopped parsley, coriander, the juice of 2 limes and a couple of good glugs of olive oil it should be a nice pulpy consistency use more olive oil and/ or another lime if it is very thick.
Pour boiling water over your soya beans and simmer gently for 5mins or so until tender drain and pour cold water over them to stop them continuing to cook.
Now chop up your spring onions about three should do and don’t throw away the green bits! Add them too!
Now combine your cous cous, ¾ of the sauce, spring onions and soya beans together and mix thoroughly.

To serve put a good serving of the cous cous on the plate, top with a lovely piece of the mackerel, pour over the remaining sauce and add some parsley and a lime wedge- VOILA!

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